Friday, October 10, 2008

Some recent pictures of the babies

Jonah got a Mr. Potato Head for his birthday with tons of accessories. He thinks these are glasses for him. He is always fascinated with our glasses, but isn't allowed to wear them.

This is Jonah's guitar. He LOVES music of all kinds. It looks like he is trying to pass it on to Amelia too.

I know I took this picture, but I honestly do not remember taking it. I guess I have been more tired than I think I am.

The quilt group at our church made this quilt for Amelia. Notice her bling? That bracelet belonged to her great great grandma when she was a baby.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Here she is . . . Ms. Amelia!

I know it has been waaaay too long since I've updated this webpage. Most of you probably don't even check it anymore because you've given up on me. But, I'm updating it anyway to introduce you to our daughter. Amelia Hope was born on July 24th. She is six weeks old today and doing wonderful. She slept through the night last night (that makes three nights total). We are very proud of her and of Jonah. He is a great big brother.

Here are some pictures of her:

This was taken yesterday

The day she was born - after her first bath

Hanging out with big brother

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Our Trip to Lake Chelan

Wayne had a week off in March, so we decided to get away for a while. We discovered one of Washington's treasures in Lake Chelan. It was such a beautiful place to be to relax and unwind. Wayne's parents also came with us to help with Jonah and spend time with us. Here are some highlights of our trip.

Playing in the sand with daddy.

Playing in the water with mama.

Seesaw with daddy and mama.

This is where we had breakfast one day. It is called Blueberry Hills. There are a ton of blueberry bushes in the background of the photo where you can pick your own blueberries during the summer.

We stopped by this Bavarian village in Levenworth, WA on our way home. We stopped and had lunch of German sausages, potato salad and saurkraut. (Jonah says no fair tickling me daddy!)

A visit from Grammy and Great Grandma Green

Last month, we were excited to have Grammy (Kim's mom) and Great Grandma Green (Grammy's mom) visit us in Washington. Jonah enjoyed playing with them and we even got to get away for a night (while the grandmas watched Jonah) at a cozy little house with a hottub on Puget Sound. Here are some pictures of the visit:

Reading "5 little monkeys" with Great Grandma then Grammy.

Snuggling with mama on the new blanket Grammy made Jonah.

Playing with the ball in the backyard with daddy.
Jonah loves playing with balls already!

Going out to dinner.

Reading one of his favorite books - Bubbles Bubbles.

Just before bed - Notice sleepy eyes, paci and lamb. He's ready!

It's a Girl!!!

We are joyfully adding a little girl to our family. Our closet has already been loaded with pink and purple from the grandmas and great-grandmas. I can't wait to dress her up in the adorable little outfits.

Jonah points to my belly and says baby. He also likes to hold his hand on my belly, I think because he sees me doing it all the time. I don't think he has felt her kick yet, but he will soon. she moves and kicks and squirms all the time, just like Jonah did. It is an amazing feeling to experience.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Learning to Paint

A few days ago, I decided to let Jonah experiment with paint. (it's pink because we did something for Valentine's day.) It seems like ever since then, he wants to paint with everything - especially his food. What can I do except stock up on paper towels and pray this is only a short phase he is going through?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Our Growing Family

We would like to proudly introduce our new baby! I had my first doctor's appointment on the first of February and found out I am due on July 30th. That makes me 15 weeks now. I am past all the morning (or rather all day) sickness and we are really getting excited about the new addition to our family. Here is one of the most recent pictures of the new baby. I like this one because you can see the eyes, nose and mouth really well. Jonah doesn't understand what is happening yet, but maybe by the end of the pregnancy he will. He did learn how to say baby and do the sign for one. When Wayne scanned me for the first time, Jonah was there. We saw the heart beating and of course got excited. Jonah noticed our excitement and he started clapping! He is going to be a wonderful big brother. He has such a sweet spirit. We are truly blessed.