Thursday, September 4, 2008

Here she is . . . Ms. Amelia!

I know it has been waaaay too long since I've updated this webpage. Most of you probably don't even check it anymore because you've given up on me. But, I'm updating it anyway to introduce you to our daughter. Amelia Hope was born on July 24th. She is six weeks old today and doing wonderful. She slept through the night last night (that makes three nights total). We are very proud of her and of Jonah. He is a great big brother.

Here are some pictures of her:

This was taken yesterday

The day she was born - after her first bath

Hanging out with big brother


Colby Family said...

Yay! Finally some pictures of Amelia! She's already changed so much from her original ones that you sent out! She's so pretty, and Jonah looks so proud! Can't wait to see some more SOON! Oh yea, what's this about her sleeping through the night already? Noah didn't start that until around 7 months! I hope my second one does that!

Roger, Michelle, Jena and Lily said...

The kids look great! So big already. You two have beautiful kids. Can't wait to see the next pictures.