Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Our Growing Family

We would like to proudly introduce our new baby! I had my first doctor's appointment on the first of February and found out I am due on July 30th. That makes me 15 weeks now. I am past all the morning (or rather all day) sickness and we are really getting excited about the new addition to our family. Here is one of the most recent pictures of the new baby. I like this one because you can see the eyes, nose and mouth really well. Jonah doesn't understand what is happening yet, but maybe by the end of the pregnancy he will. He did learn how to say baby and do the sign for one. When Wayne scanned me for the first time, Jonah was there. We saw the heart beating and of course got excited. Jonah noticed our excitement and he started clapping! He is going to be a wonderful big brother. He has such a sweet spirit. We are truly blessed.


Mom/Grammy said...

Be still my heart! What a truly amazing picture of our precious new grandbaby! I love her/him so much already! Hmmm...girl or boy -what are you little one? Joyfully anticipating, Mom/Grammy

Aunt Barbara said...

How amazing. I am so happy for the Causey Family. I'm glad you are feeling better Kim. Do you or Wayne have strong feelings of a Girl or Boy yet? I can't wait for your next post! I love you all.

Colby Family said...

Yay! I'm getting excited, too! Can't wait to find out what you are having!